mercredi 13 janvier 2010

Hum... It's hard: the weather is amazing (!!) outside, and I'm sick... still!!! Getting much better though, but it would not be very smart to go out for a run. But tomorrow I'm hitting the gym... lightly!

lundi 11 janvier 2010

But I Have a Good Reason...

Well, so much for the 6 miles run scheduled for today. I'm sick (just a little cold) so I will stay inside and hit the Elliptical machine and the treadmill. I'll do my run tomorrow so it's really only a switch off!

samedi 9 janvier 2010

Beach Body Countdown

Day Countdown to my Beach Body:

43: EP 20 & Abs+UB (+/- 1800 kcal) ---- 01/10/10
42: LR 6 miles + Abs
41: EP 30 or 45 Cycle (noon) & Abs+LB
40: SR 3,7 miles + Abs
39: TM Sprints & Abs+UB
38: PR 4,5 miles + Abs
37: Off! (sat)

36: EP 30 & Abs+UB ----- 01/17/10
35: LR 7 miles + Abs
34: 45 Cycle (noon) & LB+Abs
33: SR 3,7 miles + Abs
32: TM Sprints & Abs+UB
31: PR 5 miles + Abs
30: Off! (sat)

29: EP 30 & Abs+UB ----- 01/24/10
28: LR 8 miles + Abs
27: SM or TM 30 & LB+Abs
26: SR 4 miles + Abs
25: TM Tempo (45 min) & Abs+UB
24: PR 4 miles
23: Off!

22: EP 30 & Abs+UB ------ 01/31/10
21: LR 5 miles + Abs
20: Cycle45 (noon) & Abs+LB
19: SR 3,7 miles + Abs
18: TM Sprints & Abs+UB
17: Off!
16: BK 30 (easy)

15: Dirty Dog Trail Race 10k ------ 02/07/10
14: EP 30 & Abs+UB
13: SM 0 & Abs+LB
12: SR 4 miles + Abs
11: TM Sprints & Abs+UB
10: PR 3,7 miles + Abs
09: Off!

08: EP30 & Abs+UB ------ 02/14/10
07: LR 9 miles + Abs
06: SM 30 & Abs+LB
05: SR 4 miles
04: TM Tempo 45 & Abs+UB
03: PR 5 miles + Abs
02: Off!

01: LR 10 miles + Abs
00: PUERTO RICO!!!!!

Day Off

Today is my day Off... No running or workout for me.. although I am looking at joining a boxing club... that would be sooo fun! Guilty pleasure of the day: salted and roasted cashews... oh they are soo good... too good!

vendredi 8 janvier 2010

Winter Sidewalks

I have only one wish at the moment: that the city of Cleveland would take the snow off the sidewalks... Not even all of them, but at least SOME. I just risked my ankles on my 5,5 miles run (sometimes almost a foot of snow. They seem to just push off the snow from the roads on the sidewalks... urgh!). So yes, I am mad! But hey, I did it.. again :-)

jeudi 7 janvier 2010

Are "instant feel good" ever actually good?

ugh... why did I do that? Now I feel like crap and well... have mild remorse! I just inhaled the leftovers (kind of a lot) of ice cream in my freezer along with Kashi Heart to heart cereal.. (I really have a thing for cereal!).. And well that's what I get: stomachache and an extra pound on my hips. It seem to only happen when I watch TV(on my computer) too... Maybe I should just stop watching stupid shows..

Those New Ellipticals...

Went to the gym, did what I had to do. But I tried today the "new elliptical machines" that came out a couple month ago... and they are good! so I researched it just for fun, and here's what I found:
"The Precor elliptical cross-training machine is the hottest piece of aerobic equipment found in gyms right now. It's the Stairmaster of the late 90s. Loads of other companies are taking the elliptical motion concept and coming out with similar devices. Some machines are good while others are junk. They do provide a low-impact alternative to running, but they aren't any more or less effective than other cardiovascular equipment."